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Label Craft - the node operator!

 I'm excited to introduce LabelCraft, a powerful tool that helps how you manage node labels and properties in Nuke.

LabelCraft is a comprehensive node operator utility that provides an intuitive interface for customizing node labels, colors, and properties. It's designed to streamline your workflow by offering quick access to commonly adjusted node settings, all in one convenient popup window.

It is compatible with any type of nodes, allowing you to effortlessly add or modify the label, adjust common settings like hiding input, adding a postage stamp, bookmark, disable, or setting a custom color for the node, whether it's a specific color or a random one.

Add or edit the node's label
Change the node's color.

I know the disable option might seem unnecessary here, as it can easily be toggled by pressing 'D' on the keyboard. However, the purpose is to provide a right-click option to add a $GUI expression to it, enabling you to toggle visibility either in the GUI or on a render farm/ terminal render.

For some nodes, you can access label presets by right-clicking on the label field. It's possible to add more presets by editing the LabelCraft_customizables.json (you may find it on the LabelCraft folder) if you know how to handle a json dictionary.

The tool shows additional knobs for some selected node classes.

On Read nodes you can adjust the colorspace or shuffle out a channel.
When you have a multi-layer EXR, you can shuffle any existing layer. EXR plate provided by Miodrag Colombo.
Same options to a Shuffle node.
Tracker node you can change the transform operation, and the reference frame.
Merge, ChannelMerge and Keymix offer the ability to change the operation, bbox and mix value.
In Roto and RotoPaint you can change the output, premultiply, clip (bbox) and check on/ off the replace alpha
Log2Lin and OCIOLogConvert you are able to change the operation.
You can change the projection mode In the ScanlineRender node.
In the StickyNote you can change the font family, color and size, add an icon, and turn on/ off bold and italic options.
In the Backdrop you can also change the Z Order.
Same options to Dot node.

For the Switch node, you can right-click in the Which knob and select a TCL expression from the list. It'll add custom knobs to the node so you will be able to edit these values as you wish.

Context menu for Switch nodes allows you to choose from some TCL expressions. Click in the image to enlarge.
Those are the TCL expressions available for Switch node.

By the way, I strongly suggest using the $GUI expression in the Switch node instead of do it in the node's disable knob.

The Dissolve node also features a context menu with TCL expressions. As you can observe in the Curve editor, each expression will give you a custom curve to fade between input 0 and 1, and 1 to 0.

Click in the image to enlarge.
Those are the TCL expressions available for Dissolve node.

The best part of using LabelCraft method is that you don't have to worry about sharing your script, because the TCL expression and the custom knobs are baked into the node. So, if another artist opens your script in a workstation without LabelCraft, it still works as it should. You can also copy and paste the nodes, and they still work fine.

It's possible to add more presets by editing the LabelCraft_customizables.json (you may find it on the LabelCraft folder) if you know how to handle a json dictionary.


Download the most recent release here:

or download the repository:

or clone the repository:

Extract the zip and rename the folder:

Copy the LabelCraft folder to your .nuke folder:

Create or edit the, adding these lines:

import nuke

Start Nuke and have fun!


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